Less than 1 Second To Communicate a Message…
What is Your Message?
Your Eyes. Your Eyes. Your. Eyes. They tell the story.
The last thing you want in a headshot is a plastic recreation of who you are. Can I turn you into someone else, absolutely! But is that the right approach? The editing process happens after a session and includes exposure balancing if necessary, and retouching and finishing steps without destructive techniques. We look at your headshots in real time and make adjustments on the fly.
custom sessions or department level volumewe do it all
on location, studios large and small, all to match your brand
Creating the best headshot isn’t a one size fits all approach
Creatives Actors Musicians Models Artists
Business Professionals Accountants Sales Management Executives Personal Coaches
Service Professionals Pest Control Lawn Care Health Care Athletic Trainers Yoga Instructors Skin Care Specialists
Doctors Lawyers Politicians Construction Workers Real Estate Engineers Sales People - Everyone Needs a GREAT Headshot
So what are the requirements? The right clothing choices for your target audience? Hair styled or recently cut. Makeup? Well rested, clean skin, and willingness to listen? Enough time to work through the session, to the absolute best shot without having to rush out? So what else is there?
Go HERE to See What it Takes
We Work Together to Capture Your Best Image
Retouch & Finishing Steps
Retouching & finishing steps occur on all selected images, but not on proofs. Rarely does an image come out of the camera perfectly, and they will require tonal and exposure balancing, along with dodging and burning, maybe white balance adjustments in mixed lighting. These are the editing steps. But retouching includes the removal of temporary blemishes of the skin or clothing. Skin texture and color smoothing, eye & teeth enhancements to include brightening and sharpening, and stray hair removal. There is a fine line from too much, or too little but getting it right is paramount to you getting what you want and need .
Additional retouching efforts may be requested or necessary, and should be discussed prior to any session.